100 Hero Horses
In war and peacetime horses have been our faithful and intelligent friends. They support us through their strength, their loyalty and their distinct personalities which are as unique as our own.
To call a horse, a mule or donkey a hero is a bold statement, but you have told us of the service and sacrifice of the equines you know or have heard of each of whom in their own way qualify for the accolade.
Here we present 100 Hero Horses, chosen by you. To make a nomination send details and a photo to: susan@thewarhorsememorial.org.

35 – Jimmy the Peterborough donkey

34 – Serendipity

33 –Commander

32 – Sandy the Survivor

31 – Dark Shift

30 – Mercury The Gentle Giant

29 – Vic The Faithful

28 – Ben The Brilliant

27 – Murphy the Gallipoli Donkey

26 – Gallant the Gentleman

25 – Copenhagen The Noble

24 – Vonolel The Reliable

23 – Comanche

22 – Sergeant Reckless

21 – Mull 1996- 2020

20 – Sir Briggs

19 – Oscar

18 - Reiver

17 – Churchill