US writer pens touching tribute to horses serving in hell of First World War

When the booming Cannons did roar,

Heaving Shell after Shell upon the battleground floor,

Making craters upon Mother Earth,

Putting men and horse to show their worth.

Cannon wheels imbedded in stance.

Billowing balls of smoke and steel in a dance.

Fire screaming from the sky,

Horses galloping to victory or die.

The Great War Horses of that distant war.

Medals and honors to their duty adore;

Those who rode into battles rage,

Freedom’s warriors upon Faith’s grand Stage.

We honor them now in this Memorial.

A remembering of Valour with this tutorial.

The greatness of bravery for a united cause.

The ‘War Horse’ has earned a standing applause….

Fibby Bob Kinney ©

Writer and poet Fibby Bob Kinney

American poet and author Fibby Bob Kinney says it was our dedication to remember the service and sacrifice of animals in war – especially the horse, mules and donkeys – that has inspired him to write his own tribute to the War Horse.

He tells us: "The gallantry and majesty of these horses who gave their lives in battle was something special to be remembered. The bonding between horse and rider was critical. They depended upon each other in dire situations. Each willing to give their life to save the other. Such dedication as in family ties. They were linked together as if the blood of each flowed through their veins.

“When I looked at my poem after it was completed, I felt a camaraderie with these heroes. I tried to picture myself in their situation. The battle to keep the pledge to righteousness and valour. No, I was not there, but I am here now to honour their courage. Their will to fight, to the death if necessary, for justice and the welfare of one’s country and home. My poem is a tribute to their courage and dedication to preserve freedom.

He added: “I have been writing poetry and prose since my ‘Beatnik Days’ in Greenwich Village, New York City. Before that I spent four years in the Air Force as part of the 53rd fighter squadron. I became a stand-up comedian and went on to be the first Emcee at the World famous ‘Comic Strip’ night club.

“I had a successful career as an entertainer and hosted my own children's show, ‘The Word Painter’ in Los Angeles. I continued in my career as a comedy writer and entertainer. I have 23 books of poetry and prose in print at My style is fantasy and fairytale. Although I do have two books that are Old West adventure novels.

I am now now retired and live with my wife, Pamela, in Naples, Florida.


Chelsea pensioner and poet’s moving tribute to horses sent to war


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